Sunday Sesh – Ultimate Recovery :)

Taking a rest day but would like to do some movement? then this is a great one! Take an emotional check in with this ‘check in’ meditation, then onto some gentle stretching From Head to Toe 🙂

*NEW Cultivating Calm Part 1.

That feeling of calm, it starts from within – we can learn to do this – to self-regulate – with some great tools.

One of the best things I have ever done for myself is to learn to regulate. In this 2 part series I share with you my top tips for easing anxiety and stress and cultivating calm x

Learning to respond and not react meditation

One of the greatest things I have done for myself and the way I show up in this world is to practice pausing before reacting. We all go through times of challenge and adversity and as dancers we have our fair share of disappointments..
Honestly, I used to be quite reactive, which I now realise just isn’t very helpful.
This week has come with a couple of setbacks for me and the difference is that now I have the ability to pause, create some space, see things from a different perspective and then respond in a much calmer, more peaceful way. It’s truly a beautiful thing to be able to cultivate – Like anything worth while, it takes practice..

Beyond thought meditation

A mindfulness meditation to help find that state of flow and focus, essential for competition/performance days.