Learning to respond and not react meditation

One of the greatest things I have done for myself and the way I show up in this world is to practice pausing before reacting. We all go through times of challenge and adversity and as dancers we have our fair share of disappointments..
Honestly, I used to be quite reactive, which I now realise just isn’t very helpful.
This week has come with a couple of setbacks for me and the difference is that now I have the ability to pause, create some space, see things from a different perspective and then respond in a much calmer, more peaceful way. It’s truly a beautiful thing to be able to cultivate – Like anything worth while, it takes practice..

Beyond thought meditation

A mindfulness meditation to help find that state of flow and focus, essential for competition/performance days.

Take a break meditation

A gentle reminder today that the mind just like the body, needs a break and some rest from time to time.
I hope this short meditation will encourage you to take a break from whatever it is that youโ€™re doing and cultivate some ease and calm..

Reflective meditation

A short mindful meditation.. It’s so easy to start a new week thinking about all that you have to do and look back at where you fell short this last week – this often causes us unease and anxiety. With this meditation we take a moment to reflect on what we did do well and cultivate a confident feeling heading into a new week. .

Morning Meditation – ease into your day.

How about you ease into your day cultivating calm and ease? At times I personally can wake up a little anxious thinking about all that I have to do that day, or immediately jump online and scroll through my phone. I find when I start the day with a meditation practice, setting an intention for the day ahead that I am then calm and focused. First thing in the morning is truly my favourite time to practice mindfulness. And this practice is super short, just 3 minutes! Remember – it’s the small daily improvements and habits that lead to stunning results.

Self doubt & acceptance meditation

If you find that your mind often doubts your abilities and you feel as though your mind can often get in the way of you being the best version of yourself, a meditation practice like this one can certainly help. Stay with it until the end ๐Ÿ™‚ x

Frustration meditation.

We all get frustrated from time to time, especially as a dancing athlete, it comes with its ups and downs.. Perhaps you’ve had a recent disappointed and you’re struggling to manage the emotions that come with it and let it go. Firstly, Please already understand how incredibly resilient you are.. As dancers we put ourselves out their to be judged, for disappoints etc etc.. Sometimes we just need a little help & reminder in being kind to ourselves during these times.. I hope this meditation can help you at this time.

Please be aware that the audio isn’t great.. I was inspired by some dancers I heard from Nationals and quickly put this together. I shall re record at some stage in future!