I hope you’ll enjoy this new routine. You’ll find a print out below also. Please listen to your own body and the cues given in the video- this could be done daily or 5 days a week.
Front Splits Strength.
Having the strength to support front splits is essential for many reason including:
Injury prevention: Strength at our end range of motion helps to stabilise the joints and muscles when they are in their most extended positions. Without sufficient strength, there’s a higher risk of muscle strains, ligament injuries and joint instability.
Enhanced performance: Being both strong and flexible will enable your extensions and front clicks to improve.
Functional flexibility: Flexibility without strength is less functional. End range strength ensures that the flexibility gained in the splits is useable for the execution of athletic dance technique.
You could aim to do this class 3x a week for a month and see how you get on 🙂
Front Splits Practice with Chloey :)
Let’s revisit the work we were doing at the start of 2024 with some of my most favorite exercises to enhance front splits flexibility. If this is something you wish to improve, make sure to check out the front splits assessment in the lessons/assessment area so you can check in with where you’re at today and then pop this class into your schedule 3x a week 🙂
Front Clicks Mobility & Strength. 5 mins.
You could add this into your pre practice warm up routine or complete it at home. We are working both the mobility and strength for front clicks.
Turnout & Hip mobility class. Tues April 30th 24.
Last 2 turnout sessions this week for turnout specifically, then we will be working towards improving our posture!
Mindfulness & Mobility. External rotation work.
You’ve found this class because you realize that you are a little tight in external rotation and are up for mobilizing and strengthening this area! Let’s do it. Aim to pop this shorter routine into your schedule at least 3x per week. Really pay attention to the areas that you need to work on the most. Enjoy!
Mindfulness & Mobility – Turnout. Internal Hip Rotation Focus.
After my last workshop weekend it was amazing to see once again so many differences when it comes to dancer’s hips. We truly are unique beings. Many dancers, when we did a hip rotation assessment found that they had great external rotation and lacked internal rotation & vice versa.
If the hip internal rotator muscles are weak and tight this will limit the amount of external rotation that can happen.
Give this class a go and note what you notice.. Cramping? Very limited range? If you have any questions please ask. You will soon find a Turnout assessment masterclass in your lesson area to get to the bottom as much as possible on where you might be limited.