This will be another great one to add to your favourites, come back to it after a dance class, a feis, to recover… Really whenever you need that full body check in x
Follow along cool down :)
Join me for a Head to Toe cool down, whether you’ve finished practice, a workshop day or feis – let’s take the time to cool down – Your body will thank you for it x
Desk relief
A short effective class to reset a body that has been sat down for a long period. So whether you’ve been at school, work, travelling for a long period, take a small amount of time and pop this in at the end of your day. Or throughout the day if possible.
Wind down & reflect
I often talk about the importance of self reflection as a dancing athlete.. It’s super important for growth as you’ll learn in this video. Create some space, grab your journal, pen and yoga mat x
Cool down for home or class
Take between 10-15 mins to calm that mind body at the end of practice and training