Self-Talk with Dr. Mitch

Just incase you wonder what Mitch is talking about at the very beginning – because of some tech issues we trimmed 5 mins off of the beginning whilst Mitch was figuring it out. #sillymitch lol

Ok, grab your pen and journals and let’s learn.

Mobility & Mindfulness. Class 11. ‘In light of Valentines week’ ;)

I mention the work of Kristin Neff during our little Mindfulness chat at the beginning. Here’s a link to her site. She has some great things on YouTube also.

“With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.” – Dr Kristin Neff


Turnout Month. Class one. July 4th.

Starting today assessing where we might be limited in our turnout. Before Fran guides you through mobility and strength over the weeks to improve!