Guiding you through these wonderful hip openers today. I love anything to do with working the hips in yoga, As you’ll see, Skandasana can be quite challenging with limited ankle mobility, but as always, there is a way to modify.
Asana alignment. Hand to Big toe pose. aka Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
4 different variations of hand to big toe pose for you. I do love a balancing posture – Enjoy giving this a go!
Asana alignment: Headstand practice.
Headstand aka Sirsasana. An advanced level inverted yoga pose that requires the strength of the core, head, neck, shoulders & elbows. Please practice with care – perhaps have somebody nearby to support you if possible x
Asana alignment – Wild thing aka Camatkarasana
In this video we’ll take a look at the alignment, modifications and variations of Camatkarasana, aka Wild Thing.
Asana alignment: Dancer’s Pose aka Natarajasana
One of my favourite balancing postures that also opens the front of the body, the chest, abdomen, hip flexors and the shoulders. Natarajasana.
Asana alignment: Half moon pose aka Ardha Chandrasana
Half Moon Pose can also help you develop strong legs and open hips. Many people have one leg that’s dominant and one that’s weaker, which can lead to postural imbalances. By learning to stand on one leg at a time in Half Moon Pose, you begin to strengthen both legs evenly.
Asana alignment: Pyramid pose aka Parsvottanasana
This pose stretches and strengthens the legs, especially the hamstrings, and improves core strength. It is a great spinal stretch and also stretches your shoulders and builds your balance and coordination.
Asana alignment: Triangle pose aka Trikonasana
Triangle Pose strengthens the legs and stretches the groin, hamstrings, and hips, and opens the chest and shoulders. It also challenges and improves balance and stability.
Asana alignment: Goddess pose aka Utkata Konasana
One of my favourite postures for grounding & strength is Goddess pose. Goddess pose asks us to get in touch with the divine feminine within ourselves, balancing our strength and power with deep inner wisdom.
Asana alignment: Warrior 3 aka Virabhadrasana III
A pose that can look easy from the outside, but so much body awareness is needed to get it into the correct alignment. Warrior III strengthens the legs, improves balance, and builds core strength.