Journey to Dancer flow x

In this 35-minute vinyasa flow, we move towards our peak posture natarajasana, bringing heat into the body as we move. Lean in to your inner dancer, find a sense of calm within all of the wobbles and, as always, have fun!

Dare to Dance month. Graceful Dancer Flow

In this 45 minute flow we’ll be focusing on fluidity, intuition and finding what feels good. I’ll be teaching you a sequence that we’ll repeat a couple of times so that you have the opportunity to explore it in YOUR way. Feel free to take modifications and variations whenever you feel to, you might even change a posture for something else!

Graceful Goddess Flow x

Today we are stepping into our goddess energy. This is a strong, grounding and fluid energy, but with a beautiful softness and compassion to it, think dancer! Please enjoy it x

Elements series: Air

“My heart is full of gratitude. I count my blessings every day. I give thanks to all expressions of love and light.” Opening into the heart space, the upper back and chest.. Creating space to receive Air!

Elements series: Playing with FIRE!

I do love a fiery flow and hope you enjoy this one. This element is associated with the Chakra Manipura..
A few characteristics of a balanced Manipura..
Acknowledges one’s unlimited potential. Stands by his/her belief system Feels empowered, confident and motivated. Sets healthy boundaries and says “No” when necessary.

Elements series: Water

Oh how I love flows dedicated to this element.. Think fluid and free like water. As always listen to your own body and take pauses when you need to.

A spicy power flow

Short & spicy. Igniting our sense of power with a fiery dynamic practice. Enjoy and take pauses when you need to.

Empowering energising flow

Highly recommend doing this class first thing in the morning, waking up energised! We will tap into our own empowering energy and allow it to carry us through this practice, connecting to a sense of playfulness and aliveness as we go.

We float, we fly, we fall.

It’s time to be playful and surrender to all of those niggles and frustrations that arise when we try to balance. Ultimately balance is a constant give and take, balance doesn’t stay still, balance isn’t linear and balance is something that we are continuously learning from. Allow the words “acceptance” and “surrender” to wash over you as we flow.

Yin Yang Flow

Working with both the masculine and feminine energy. Starting dynamic and then on to a more grounding yin style practice.