Breathe away anxious thoughts.. Sleep well Yoga Family x
Dream state.
The first practice of a new month with the theme ‘Dreamy’ where we encourage better evening habits and learn to balance the nervous system. In this class our focus is on stimulating the vagus nerve. I am leaving this link here below to a short video from my mentor Ashley Turner talking about the vagus nerve for you to check out also.
Slow Motion
Through slowing down the body and breath, we can start to cultivate a sense of slowness in the mind. Anchor your body into the present moment and as you breath, allow yourself the opportunity to move deeper into the space.
Journey to splits. Day 3.
Today we slow it down and find a deep energetic stretch in this yin style yoga practice. I encourage you to bring props and as much cushioning as you’d like. Yes, we want to stretch, but this is also a time for reflection and looking inwards, quite a meditative practice this one.
Journey to splits introduction x
Welcome to your journey to splits. Throughout this 14-day journey we’ll visit different types of movements and ways of stretching. This is by no means a “quick fix” to splits, but instead it’s an in-depth start to your progress towards splits. If you would like to, take progress photos, but also journal your thoughts and feelings throughout. Remember, the success comes from being aware, from showing up and from being present. Anything else is just a bonus.
Space for slowness
Finding some ground and space for slowness can often be more challenging than the vinyasa styles practices. It can be tough to come off of the hamster wheel of life and cultivate some calm. I believe this is a very important practice for us all. In this practice we breathe and check in with our body and emotions.
Yin Yang Flow
Working with both the masculine and feminine energy. Starting dynamic and then on to a more grounding yin style practice.