Morning meditation

How about you ease into your day cultivating calm and ease? At times I personally can wake up a little anxious thinking about all that I have to do that day, or immediately jump online and scroll through my phone. I find when I start the day with a meditation practice, setting an intention for the day ahead that I am then calm and focused. First thing in the morning is truly my favourite time to practice mindfulness. And this practice is super short, just 3 minutes! Remember – it’s the small daily improvements and habits that lead to stunning results.

Asana alignment: Half moon pose aka Ardha Chandrasana

Half Moon Pose can also help you develop strong legs and open hips. Many people have one leg that’s dominant and one that’s weaker, which can lead to postural imbalances. By learning to stand on one leg at a time in Half Moon Pose, you begin to strengthen both legs evenly.