Ease into the day flow

This is a gentle, stretchy 30 minute vinyasa, perfect for all levels to ease into the day, with a little bit of balance work.

Open Posture x

A much requested opening up into the shoulders, the chest & the neck. I adore working with posture.. This changes our body language and enables to breathe with a little more ease too x

Listen to your body flow

30 minutes of listening to our body and moving in such way that we iron out some of those little kinks and niggles. Another great way to start our day – checking in with ourselves.

Lateral strength flow

In this 30-minute lateral strength flow, we’ll be strengthening the side body through vashisthasana, plank, and more. As always, find your edge and breathe into it. Take modifications and moments to pause whenever you need to.

Floating through air.

In this 30-minute flow, we expand into the breath and body, whilst moving with the element of air. Allow the heart to crack open, as you move intentionally from one shape to the next.

Journey to splits. Day 10.

Day 10 – please take a moment to acknowledge yourself for the work so far! Enjoy this mixture of passive and active movements before making our way into splits.

Journey to splits. Day 9.

For today’s practice you will need a wall or couch nearby for a particular stretch. We start today with some slow controlled stretching before some fluid and flowy moves.

Journey to splits. Day 7.

Half way point! How are you enjoying this journey so far? Open those journals and write about some of the lessons you’ve learned so far. Today we work mobility, particularly in those hips and also strength. Towards the end we come into deeper stretching. As always, breathe!

Journey to splits. Day 2.

Today we focus on strength, you’ll be firing up through the whole lower body, working into the glutes, hamstrings and quads. At any time that this session gets too much, come back to your intention and back to that self-awareness. Take moments to pause as often as you need and challenge your strength when you see fit.

Journey to splits. Day 1.

In this 30-minute practice, we’ll be checking in with the lower body and arriving in this 14-day series. We will be deeply stretching and activating the lower body, so make sure you’ve got all the props you need and come with a mind of acceptance and openness.