Feeding the gut. Nutrition workshop.

“Your gut is often considered your second brain – for good reason! In this workshop, you’ll appreciate the important roles the gut plays in your overall health (and potentially performance!), and you’ll learn ways to take care of it!”

Preparing for competition Nutrition

With Dr Meghan Brown. A very popular request from many of you about eating around competition time, so please enjoy this one and if you’ve any questions, we are here! x

Pea soup recipe.

How beautiful does this pea soup recipe look..

Just what you want for an early summer’s evening… this beautiful pea soup. It’s so quick and easy! Add an optional bit of fancy-ness with easy Parmesan dips (or plant-based equivalent) – delicious

Per portion, this soup is a great source of fibre (~10g), protein (~15g) as well as providing your daily recommended vitamin C! Vitamin C is an antioxidant micronutrient and has lots of important roles and health promoting properties – including reducing risk and severity of illness. In fact, peas are a good source of lots of different nutrients, so a dish like this is perfect for packing in those peas!
There are dozens of varieties of pea and I absolutely love them all – I could just eat bowls full of mushy peas / pease pudding) … yummy!

Ingredients (makes ~4-6 servings):
•900g peas
•Nob butter
•Tbsp olive oil
•1 potato (chopped)
•small bunch spring onion (chopped)
•900ml veg stock
•small handful mint leaves
•85g grated parmesan (or vegan equivalent)

•Fry spring onion & potato in butter and oil for ~5 mins. Stir in stock and simmer for ~10 mins.
•Stir in peas and cook for 3 mins. Remove from heat, add mint leaves and whizz with a blender / food processor.
•For parmesan dips, line grated parmesan into 6 strips on baking parchment and grill for ~1-2 mins


Dr Meghan Brown x