Make sure to pop back and watch Part 1 🙂 Enjoy learning and being kind to yourselves folks!
Mindfulness and Mobility. Class 10.
Now is as good a time as any to re-assess. Check in with what has been working well and where we can still improve. Need help? Give us a shout!
Mindfulness and mobility. Class 8.
Mindfulness & Mobility. Class 4.
Mindfulness & Mobility. Class 1 of 2024.
*NEW Fantastic nutrients & where to find them with Meghan :)
*NEW Goal setting with Dr Lucie Clements.
*NEW Pre performance routine workshop 2023.
Helping you to put your pre performance routine together. It takes some practice to find one that works for you, but it’s more than worth it! Let’s do it 🙂
*NEW Managing perfectionism & procrastination workshop.
A workshop that is bound to resonate with many of you. Thanks to Lucie for this incredibly insightful workshop and for taking care of our minds 🙂 Any questions, give us a shout!
*NEW Stress, digestion & appetite Nutrition Workshop.
Dr Meghan Brown is back with another very interesting topic about the influence of stress on appetite and gut health. Super helpful for dancers!