In this video we look at what to do with nutrition after dance. Recovery, repairing and building – becoming stronger!
HYDRATE with Dr. Meghan Brown. Part 1.
Maintaining fluid balance and avoiding dehydration with Meghan.
ENERGIZE with Dr. Meghan Brown. Part 1.
How do we fuel as a dancer for busy days, especially during competition days? Dancer bodies need lots of energy to be able to perform at their best and prevent fatigue. In this video Meghan educates us on how to keep energized!
*NEW Strength & Power program Phase 1. Mobility & Activation routine. (Warm up)
Please find your movement prep routine before going into your training. Below you will find the PDF of exercises that you are welcome to print off..
10 tips of Christmas. Tip 10. Confidence.
Not so much a tip, but a lovely confidence building meditation. I hope this ignites a fire within you as we head into a new year and new season of dance.
Self acceptance meditation.
Self-acceptance is defined as “an individual’s acceptance of all of his/her attributes, positive or negative.” It includes body acceptance, self-protection from negative criticism, and believing in one’s capacities. -Harvard health publishing.
When we’re self-accepting, we embrace every part of ourselves, not just the “positive” things! Self-acceptance is unconditional—you can recognise weaknesses, but still fully accept yourself.
Practicing acceptance of ourselves can have an incredible impact on our wellbeing!
*NEW Letting go of perfectionism meditation.
In the same way we release and let go of each breath, see if you can release the need to be perfect, accepting all that you are! 🙂
*NEW Thought of the day with Chloey. Car rides with my dad!
I hope you’ll find my story of “Car rides with Dad” has some valuable lessons.
12 tips of Christmas. Tip 8 with Fran. Lets get Snappy :)
A question often asked.. How do I get my movements more snappy? Here is Fran with her latest Christmas tip and insight on this subject.
Please keep in mind that the programs Fran runs throughout the year work to develop that overall strength, speed sharpness and ultimately help with snappier movements.
12 tips of Christmas. Tip 6 with Lucie. Rest up!
Lucie’s first tip is all about rest… A vital component of being a dancing athlete x