*NEW Stage Presence Tips. Day 1.

Taken directly from the WhatsApp group and put here for you.. I hope these days of stage presence tips will be super helpful for you. Much Love, Chloey x

Self Esteem Meditation

It’s only human to be hard on ourselves from time to time and fall into comparison. Allow this meditation to give you a little self esteem boost.

Mobility challenge. Week 2. Activation – Hamstrings.

Let’s activate those hamstrings in a simple way. As dancers, we spend a lot of time stretching the hamstrings, but learning to activate and strengthen them is super important in injury prevention and overall body awareness.

Journaling course. Day 10.

The foundation of wellness is the relationship you have with yourself. The journaling prompt in this video has had the most profound affect on my life and overall wellbeing, more so than anything else!