This is a deep hip-opening pose that strengthens the muscles in the thighs and bottom. It tones the abdomen, ankles, and arches of the feet. This pose also opens the chest and shoulders, improving breathing capacity and increasing circulation throughout the body.
Asana alignment: Warrior 1 pose aka Virabhadrasana 1
Warrior I Pose is filled with opposing alignments, but when all of the opposing movements work together, the pose offers a full-body experience. You will stretch the ankles and calves, strengthen the quadriceps and back, lengthen the hip flexors, and stretch your upper body and arms. There’s almost no body part that doesn’t reap the rewards of holding Virabhadrasana I.
Asana alignment: Chaturunga & 8 limbed pose
This shows up often in my classes. Give this a watch and start practicing the different modifications and variations to see what works best for you.
Asana alignment: Malasana aka yogi squat
Asana alignment: Downward facing dog
Downward Facing Dog or Adho mukha śvānāsana in Sanskrit is possibly the most recognised yoga posture, we work through this time and time again in our yoga practice. Seen as a basic posture to so many, it can actually be a tricky one to get right. Every human body works a little differently, but use these alignment cues and tips to help make your downward facing dog a little more comfortable for your body.
Asana alignment: Utkatasana aka Chair pose
In this video we’re looking at the breakdown on chair pose, also known as utkatasana.
Asana alignment: Forward fold aka Uttanasana
Let’s have a look at how we can make our Uttanasana and Ardha Uttanasana even smoother when we flow.
Asana alignment: Tadasana aka standing mountain pose
Tadasana aka standing mountain pose – doesn’t look like much, but master this and it will certainly help in all other asanas.