Open Posture x

A much requested opening up into the shoulders, the chest & the neck. I adore working with posture.. This changes our body language and enables to breathe with a little more ease too x

Wakey Wakey :)

A dynamic wake up call, you’ll be firing up into the lower body, giving yourself that power push into the day ahead. Whether you spend your day sat down at a desk, or you’re up on your feet, this will give you the mobility and strength you need to thrive. Arrive here today with a sense of gratitude and know that wherever you are at today is enough!

Slow, Stretchy & Candlelit x

Take some time out during this festive period for you to cultivate some calm. I encourage you to grab cushions, a blanket and light some candles xx

Consciously connected vinyasa flow

A beautiful practice for you to fully and consciously connect to your breath and body. We will work with breath, meditation, sun salutations, repetition, strength and confidence, as we move from a space of love for the self. Stay connected to the breath throughout x

Bonus class – Hip Mobility x

Please enjoy this bonus class where we work into the hips space.. This class was recorded during a live with dancers, hence the occasional dance reference. Take deep breaths into the hips and allow them to release with every exhale x

Journey to Dancer flow x

In this 35-minute vinyasa flow, we move towards our peak posture natarajasana, bringing heat into the body as we move. Lean in to your inner dancer, find a sense of calm within all of the wobbles and, as always, have fun!

7 Day Mindful Movement. Day 4. Upper body

You probably figured this was coming after lower body 🙂 I enjoyed this one and felt great afterwards.. This tends to be where I personally hold on to tension, around the neck, traps and shoulders. I hope you enjoy it and have a beautiful day x