Inner thigh flexibility. Working towards a Pancake split.

Many of you requested this class, so here it is 🙂 Check out the quick inner thigh flexibility assessment first.

Finding more range of motion in the inner thigh region can certainly help an Irish dancer to enhance both turnout, extensions and alignment of the hips.

Challenge yourself with this pancake splits class, popping it into your routine 2-3x a week!

*Adding the dynamic lateral lunge into your warm up for dance practice can also be useful.

Happy hips flow :)

As requested – a lovely short sequence, paring mindfulness the breath and some beautiful hip movements.. Give your body the gift of this short class today x

Hip Flexor Flow with Chloey x

In this practice we challenge the hip flexors through both range of motion and strength at that end range. Both important aspects of improving our dance skills. Remember to consistently practice your deep breathing as that also plays a role in the tension we hold in our body.

Sunday feels flow..

Slow & stretchy.. With a breath-work and visualisation session to start with. This practice is like a little assessment too.. If your goal is too improve ‘flexibility’.. You’ll notice where you hold tension.

Haven’t we started Oireachtas prep in a beautiful way 😉 ?

Crossing with coach Fran

A popular request, and as coach Fran says, being able to cross has a lot to do with the flexibility of our hips. Tune in to find out more.

Summer series with Chloey – Final Class!

Last week there was a focus on hip rotation and core strengthening. Today there’s more focus on hip flexion (bringing the knee to chest) and hip extension (using the glutes).We still get a workout in on that core!

Enjoy the last class of my summer series. I hope it’s been good to you and your feeling nice and mobile with a strong core.. Going forward in studio practice – focus on finding that stack – shoulders in line with ribs, ribs inline with hips 🙂

Summer Yoga. Core & Clicks class.

This class will be a great one to keep coming back to, for those that wish to improve your strength and flexibility for front clicks. If you’ve completed the clicks, shoots and splits program or the 14 day journey to splits practice, you’ll understand that certain key muscle groups are important to think of when mastering stronger, sharper clicks, this includes: Abdominal strength, upper back strength, hip flexor flexibility, hamstring flexibility and strong glutes.

Mobility month bonus class. HIPS!

Possibly one of my favourite passive & active sequences for those hips I’ve done for you 😉 I hope you enjoy it – I think it’ll be one you’ll keep coming back to. Literally working all areas and actions of the hips.

Chloey x