Inner thigh flexibility. Working towards a Pancake split.

Many of you requested this class, so here it is 🙂 Check out the quick inner thigh flexibility assessment first.

Finding more range of motion in the inner thigh region can certainly help an Irish dancer to enhance both turnout, extensions and alignment of the hips.

Challenge yourself with this pancake splits class, popping it into your routine 2-3x a week!

*Adding the dynamic lateral lunge into your warm up for dance practice can also be useful.

Assessing Turnout

In this video we shall gage an idea of our current turnout range and identify where we may be restricted. When it comes to improving your range and control in turnout, the more you know about the anatomy of turnout, the better. I recommend watching the “Anatomy of turnout’ lesson before this one.

This information can then help you to select mobilizers that will be the most effective in improving your range safely. Grab a notebook, pen and perhaps your phone to take images and let’s go!

Mindfulness & Mobility. External rotation work.

You’ve found this class because you realize that you are a little tight in external rotation and are up for mobilizing and strengthening this area! Let’s do it. Aim to pop this shorter routine into your schedule at least 3x per week. Really pay attention to the areas that you need to work on the most. Enjoy!

Mindfulness & Mobility – Turnout. Internal Hip Rotation Focus.

After my last workshop weekend it was amazing to see once again so many differences when it comes to dancer’s hips. We truly are unique beings. Many dancers, when we did a hip rotation assessment found that they had great external rotation and lacked internal rotation & vice versa.

If the hip internal rotator muscles are weak and tight this will limit the amount of external rotation that can happen.

Give this class a go and note what you notice.. Cramping? Very limited range? If you have any questions please ask. You will soon find a Turnout  assessment masterclass in your lesson area to get to the bottom as much as possible on where you  might be limited.

Turnout Anatomy!

If you’re anything like me, you are a visual person and seeing the bones & muscles work will be helpful in learning more  about turnout and how to maximize it. I think this particular video is more for some of our older dancers 12+ as well as parents and teachers of course. Please give me a shout if you’ve any questions. And please find a couple references below and further reading..

IADMS paper..

I also love the work of Lisa Howell from The Ballet Blog – she has great resources when it comes to teaching turnout to very young dancers..

Training Turnout in Tiny Dancers

The visuals used during the video are from the Visible Body app – highly recommended to learn everything anatomy!