Front Splits Practice with Chloey :)

Let’s revisit the work we were doing at the start of 2024 with some of my most favorite exercises to enhance front splits flexibility. If this is something you wish to improve, make sure to check out the front splits assessment in the lessons/assessment area so you can check in with where you’re at today and then pop this class into your schedule 3x a week 🙂

Inner thigh flexibility. Working towards a Pancake split.

Many of you requested this class, so here it is 🙂 Check out the quick inner thigh flexibility assessment first.

Finding more range of motion in the inner thigh region can certainly help an Irish dancer to enhance both turnout, extensions and alignment of the hips.

Challenge yourself with this pancake splits class, popping it into your routine 2-3x a week!

*Adding the dynamic lateral lunge into your warm up for dance practice can also be useful.

Recovery Stretch & Meditation

Put on some comfy clothes, grab a pillow and blanket, play some nice relaxing music that you like, and join me for a full body stretch and progressive muscle relaxation meditation.

Candlelit Recovery Flow – Non Striving, just Being!

Welcome to your Recovery Flow!

Most of what we do in life, we are doing with a purpose or goal in mind. So today we are “non-doing” and focusing on seeing and accepting things as they are in the present moment. 

Today, we will try not to attach at all to a particular outcome, such as relaxing or clearing the mind or becoming a better person, striving towards these goals actually interferes with the ability to accept what is here too,.

This can be very restorative because when you think about we always have so many agendas, we are always on the way to reaching a goal, to actually be in a place where we practice non striving, non doing and allowing things be as they are is very nurturing,

Again, not easy to do because we have so many things that we feel we ‘should’ be doing.

Give yourself some time to practice non striving/non doing, realizing that whatever is already here in this moment is good enough, you don’t need to fix anything, escape from anything or make anything happen.

Embrace the moment you are in, hold onto your awareness, and do your best to not react or transition into goal-setting mode!

I’ve recorded this again without music as our tastes are all different. But I do have a nice relaxing playlist on spotify should you wish to use it. The link is below:

Mindfulness & Mobility. March 12th. Includes Body Gratitude!

This class could be a great one for dance teachers to use at the end of a dance class from time to time.. For dancers to tune into their body and practice gratitude for all it does for us! How often do we take time out to appreciate our body? – It’s important 😉