5 minute Posture work

Need to work on your posture, but managing your time is an issue? Pop this into your pre dance practice routine 🙂

Self doubt & acceptance meditation

If you find that your mind often doubts your abilities and you feel as though your mind can often get in the way of you being the best version of yourself, a meditation practice like this one can certainly help. Stay with it until the end 🙂 x

Frustration meditation.

We all get frustrated from time to time, especially as a dancing athlete, it comes with its ups and downs.. Perhaps you’ve had a recent disappointed and you’re struggling to manage the emotions that come with it and let it go. Firstly, Please already understand how incredibly resilient you are.. As dancers we put ourselves out their to be judged, for disappoints etc etc.. Sometimes we just need a little help & reminder in being kind to ourselves during these times.. I hope this meditation can help you at this time.

Please be aware that the audio isn’t great.. I was inspired by some dancers I heard from Nationals and quickly put this together. I shall re record at some stage in future!

Follow along cool down :)

Join me for a Head to Toe cool down, whether you’ve finished practice, a workshop day or feis – let’s take the time to cool down – Your body will thank you for it x

Easing frustration. Meditation.

Todays mindful meditation is about releasing frustration. Let’s be honest, we all get a little frustrated from time to time, whether it’s due to a difficult performance, a result, a slip, learning new steps. We can learn to let go a little with a meditation like this one.

A calming exhale meditation

I will do my best to upload mindful meditation practices each week from now on. This simple practice as I mention in the video is a great place to start practicing presence, cultivating calm and moving through life with more ease and grace. Take some calming exhales each day x